  1. Must be JSON-ARRAY encoded string, start with '[' and end with ']'. You can generate it from here or here.
  2. Refer to Parameters part under your selected method about required value.
  3. Sample of `Params` value.
    [] Empty params array.
    ["0x5cf1bdA8757b9c501190B0FcbC6B4ab8a4Bd04a5"] Params array with 1 address item.
    ["0x5cf1bdA8757b9c501190B0FcbC6B4ab8a4Bd04a5","latest"] Params array with 1 address item & 1 block param.
    [{"from":"0x5cf1bdA8757b9c501190B0FcbC6B4ab8a4Bd04a5","to":"0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567"}] Params array with 1 object item.